Wednesday 18 August 2010

Horror Film Questionnaire


1. What gender are you? (Circle appropriate)
Male Female

2. How old are you?

3. Do you like horror films? (Circle appropriate)
Yes No

4. What influences you to watch the film? (Circle appropriate)
Posters Magazines Trailers Advertisements N/A

5. Why does this influence your choice?


6. What is your favourite horror film and why?


7. What film certificate do you normally watch? (Circle appropriate)
12 15 18

8. What type of horror film do you normally watch? (Circle appropriate)
Ghost Zombie Slasher Vampire Sci-fi Thriller

9. Does the popularity or fame of actors in films convince you to watch them? (Circle appropriate)
Yes No

10. Do you enjoy gory horror films? (Circle appropriate)

Yes No



1. Female

2. 15

3. Yes

4. Trailers.

5. Trailers influence me to watch a film because it is usually the first thing that I am exposed to.

6. My favourite horror film would be the Saw series of films because I find the plot very orginal and the films very gory.

7. I usually watch films with a 15 or 18 certificate.

8. I usually watch 'Slasher' horror films as I find them entertaining.

9. No the popularity of the actors in the film does not influence me because it does not really determine how good the film is.

10. I love gory horror films!


1. Male

2. 18

3. Yes

4. Movie magazines.

5. 'Empire' magazine usually influences me to watch films because I am very passionate about films anyway and so being a regular subscriber I am heavily involved in the film world and the new releases.

6. My favourite horror films would be classic horror films such as 'The Exorcist' as I am a bit of a movie buff.

7. I watch films with an 18 certificate because they are the most scary.

8. I watch 'classic' horror films because they are actually geniunely scary.

9. Yes definately because if I do not know the actors and they are not well known or high paid generally the film will be poor.

10. I like gory horror films yes.


1. Male

2. 22

3. No

4. Movie posters.

5. Because I often see them whilst driving.

6. I do not enjoy horror films but if I had to chose it would be the classic 'Scream.'

7. I watch films with an 18 certificate as they are more suited to adult audiences and therefore contain more complex and engrossing story lines.

8. N/A

9. I usually chose to watch films with well respected actors because the film is then usually of a higher quality, both in acting and production.

10. No


This is a random selection of answers I recieved for my questionnaire in which twenty participants took part, ten female and ten male. I had a wide bredth of ages, ranging from 14 to 48. From my questionnaire I gained the knowledge that most participants, in fact more than half enjoy horror movies, and this influenced my group and I to chose this specific genre. I also noted that most people were influenced by trailers for films broadcast on television because it is the most easily accessible, and the most watched film certificate would be aged 15 as it is somewhat in the middle. Slasher movies were the most popular of movies within the horror genre, and I think this is because they are generally easy to watch without giving them too much thought, and good fun. However the audience were split in the decision about whether well known actors would effect their choice of film, because it does not generally determine how good the film actually is. Most participants did in fact enjoy gory horror films which is rather surprising, only around 6 participants said that too much gore made them squeamis