Thursday 16 September 2010

Third Team Meeting

For our third team meeting my group and I discussed the setting, props and costume to be used for our horror teaser trailer. We decided upon using the school common room and grounds - in particular the pond area and the centre playground. For our 'victims' we decided that they would be dressed in every day clothes as costumes in order to add realism and verisimilitude to our trailer. The killer will be dressed in a clown outfit because we think that this is particularly typical of ther horror genre and also terrifying.

Investigation Of Props, Location And Cast

Investigation of Props

In investigating props myself and my group chose to photograph weapons that potentially the antagonist could use in order to murder his victims. We chose bricks and knives for props because they would be easily accessible to the antagonist because they are located around the school site. I think that the image of the knives is particularly effective because they look menacing and threatening - something which as a horror trailer the props should portray. The bricks could be used by the 'killer' in order to strike the victim over the head.

Investigation of Location

In order to photograph location my group and I took photographs of various locations around the school that we thought could potentially be used in our teaser trailer. I thought the most effective settings were the ones on the field, where the the trees add shadow and cover which I think would be good in order to set a spooky tone to the trailer. It also would be good to shoot this area at night since it could be replicated and used as a 'woods' when in reality it is not. The fence also adds a sense of entrapment and closure, so that the victim could be shown trying to escape from the 'woods' in the trailer to no avail. The pond setting would also be an effective setting because it could provide a place for the killer to store the 'bodies' of his victims without getting caught. I think this would be a very effective storyline and would add realism to the plot, as it is a typial convention of the horror genre.
Investigation of Cast

For our cast investigation my group and I took a variety of photographs of students and teachers in our school. After we had reviewed our images we decided that to fit in with the conventions of the 'horror' genre we would generally include a younger cast in order to gain the 'slasher' movie feel. Our cast will only include students from our school in order to add verisimilitude to our teaser trailer, and also to save time. The students will mainly be from the sixth form so that it targets a 15+ audience, however there may be a few shots of younger children in the school as extras.

Poster And Magazine Cover Drafts

First Poster Draft

Second Poster Draft
First Magazine Draft

Second Magazine Draft

Thursday 9 September 2010

Initial Storyboard

For our initial storyboard myself and my fellow group decided to make a shot by shot storyboard of what is going to happen in our trailer, in order to give ourselves direction and a clear focus as to where our teaser trailer is headed.

Initial Storyboard:

Monday 6 September 2010

Second Team Meeting

Second Team Meeting

In our second team meeting me and my group discussed the story line for our horror teaser trailer. We had a few ideas that our story line would be of a person being abucted from school. We also had an idea that the killer or the abucter would be wearing a gas mask and a jumpsuit or hooded black cloak. We also had an idea that we could possibly do a sci fi horror teaser trailer where there is a creature threatening the students of a school, and in order to portray the creature we would film the trailer from that creature's point of view.
For our teaser trailer we have now decided to


1. Are you male or female?
I am a female.

2. How old are you?
I am 17 years old.

3. What is your favourite movie genre and why?
My favourite movie genre is probably Drama or Thriller. These are my favourite movie genres because I feel (to me) that they are the most compelling and interesting out of them all because of their interesting storylines and their true to life characters. Don't get me wrong I love watching films that are completely out of the ordinary and totally unrealistic but on the other hand I also love realism in films so that it films almost as if it could happen to you. I also love Horror but nothing to gory, Horror/Thrillers are the best, particularly ones that keep you on the edge of your seat.

4. What is your least favourite movie genre and why?
My least favourite movie genre would have to either be Spoof or Sci Fi. I find usually that Spoof films are rarely funny at all and generally have a weak storyline. Sci Fi films are usually to do with aliens and space things that I have no interest in whatsoever.

5. What is your favourite film (from your favourite genre)?
My favourite film from the Drama genre would have to be either American Beauty and my favourite film from the Thriller section would be either Notes on a Scandal, Donnie Darko or The Shining.

6. What is your least favourite (from your least favourite genre)?
My least favourite film from the Sci Fi genre would be films like Star Wars which I just find so boring and dull. Other films I dislike would be movies like Epic Movie from the Spoof genre which are not funny.

7. What age certificate do you watch the most?

8. Do you base your decision at the cinema upon trailers and movie posters you have seen?
Feedback from Interview
From my interviews I gained the knowledge that most people enjoy watching all types of genres, and the type of genre preferred is very personal to each individual. Every individual agreed that they based their decision at the cinema upon trailers and movie posters that they had seen, and would rarely (if ever) chose a film at the cinema that they had not heard of or seen the film.