Thursday 21 October 2010

Final Decisions for Location, Costume, Props and Cast


My group and I have decided to film part of our teaser trailer in the schools lecture theatre because we feel that the area is appropriate and suited to the 'students' who will be filmed in a classroom situation. The lecture theatre will be used as a minor setting for the trailer, where the students will be filmed as if they are having a lesson. We will filming in this area for part of indoor scenes, aswell as potentially using the indoor sixth form common room area. For our outdoor scenes we will be filming in the school car park and grounds either early in the morning or after school, where the car park would be more or less empty. The car park will be used in the scene where the protaganist believes she is being followed by some one, and repeatedly turns left and round until the antagonist walks across the camera slowly and the fade to black.



Fourth Team Meeting

We have decided to call our film 'Torture' because we feel that it fits the conventions of the horror genre. We feel it is also original because of our research we have seen that there is no other film available of the same name.

Monday 18 October 2010

Filming Schedule

For our teaser trailer we have chosen to go with storyboard 2. We will be filming our teaser trailer in our Media lessons on Mondays and Thursdays and also using the media suite in our free time. We are also avaliable to film on Wednesday afternoons and Tuesday mornings.

Tuesday 5 October 2010