Monday 15 November 2010

Potential Images for Poster and Magazine

This photograph would not be a a good picture to use for our film magazine or poster because it does not have a lot happening in it. The photograph also doesn't show the actresses' face so it would not be easily identifible who it is or what film they are in.

This photograph would not be effective for use on our film magazine or poster because it doesn't include the characters in the film or any visual information that may entice and allure the potential audience.

This image is not fit for use on either our film magazine or movie poster because the invidual is not actually in our trailer so therefore the image is out of context.

(Image we used)

These are all images of the the teacher, victim, and the killer. These are effective as they portray that the killer is stalking the teacher which gives an insight of what the horror film 'Torture' is about. The clearer images of the two main characters would be good to use for either our poster or magazine. They would catch the audience's eye and the audience would be able to recognise which film is being advertised.

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