Friday 10 December 2010

Final Teaser Trailer

Untitled from Jamie on Vimeo.

Using IMovie myself and Annie edited our film trailer further in order to improve. We added our production logos to the start of the trailer in order to make the trailer look professional. We used IMovie to its full extent by adding transitions, text and sound. We added fade to blacks in appropriate places so clips didn't jump from one to the other, which also built up tension. We found a copyright free soundtrack which we found fitted in with out trailer really well, we edited this at the end to fade out so it didn't stop abruptly as would not sound polished. We also used the feature of text inserts in our trailer and we added these where appropriate to be typical of actual trailers, and to also show the name of the film and 'coming soon' which is very typial of a teaser trailer. The text inserts also came with transitions which add effect to our trailer.
Overall, I am happy with our final draft trailer. To improve we would have liked to been able to get the same font that we used on our final poster for the name of the film 'Torture'.

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