Wednesday 21 July 2010

Pan's Labyrnith: Inspirational Horror Movie

Pan's Labyrnith Magazine Front Cover
I think this magazine poster again subverts the typical movie magazine front cover because it displays rather a graphic and potentially offensive image. The dark hue of colours used is again a convention typical of the genre. Again I would say that this front cover appeals to the target audience - fans of the film, especially because the cover is part of a '500 Greatest Movie' covers whereby you can select your favourite film and order it. I think the front cover does indeed link in to the other two devices - the trailer and the movie poster, because they all contain a frightening and dark tone to them, particularly because the still image used above is contained in the movie trailer.

Pans Labyrnith Theatrical Poster

This poster is very effective and portrays the fantasy, mysterious qualities that are included in the film. The poster is very detailed and has fairytale, mythical undertones which are only magnified in the film, yet it contrasts with the typical fairytale as they are joyous and typically for children. The dark colour scheme reflects the movie's storyline. Pan's Labyrnith is very dark and has a 15 age certificate, meaning this subverts the typical fairytale. Even the dark colouring used on this poster reflects the evil that occurs in the film. What the poster does not say is that the film is actually Spanish and has Spanish subtitles, which could potentially be misleading for the audience. The film may not be your 'typical' slasher or teen horror movie yet is more thrilling and horrifying than many of those films. I think the way the film subverts the 'horror' genre is very interesting, but then again I agree that the movie poster is typical of the thriller genre.

Pan's Labyrnith Trailer

This trailer is particularly effective because it combines action, drama and tension all in one. The music adds an eerie quality to the trailer and adds drama until the climax of the trailer - the music is built up to tell the story and keep the audience interested and 'on the edge of their seat.'

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