Wednesday 21 July 2010

Donnie Darko: Inspirational Movie

Donnie Darko Theatrical Release Poster
The theatrical release poster for Donnie Darko is simple yet strikingly effective. I think that the way the images are all placed into the shape of a bunny - the 'evil' creature in the film is a very effective tool in which to show many pictures from the film but in one overall way. The blue colourisation of the images presents the idea of sci fi - as it resembles a lazor. I definately think this film would attract its target audience because it does not give any of the story away in the trailer and yet still manages to look very intriguing. The small writing does not take much focus away from the images which is a very successful presentational device.
Donnie Darko Magazine Front Cover

The magazine front cover I think meets the conventions of a typical magazine front cover because it features one image in the centre of the page, but unlike the magazine covers below it does not feature scary or terrifying images in an attempt to shock the reader. The white, black and red colour scheme is simple yet effective and foreshadows but contrasts to the storyline which is complex.

Donnie Darko Trailer

The teaser trailer for 'Donnie Darko' is a very effective and gripping trailer. Through the quickened pace and fast take the images almost flash and therfore shows how action packed and thrilling the film is. The use of an electric blue and black colour scheme adds to the sci fi element of the piece, and the non diegetic music adds an edge to the trailer, as it is not something typically done to this type of film.

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