Wednesday 21 July 2010

Team Meeting and First Draft Teaser Trailer

Collectively as a group we decided to create a 'Horror' teaser trailer. We chose this genre because we felt that this particular type of movie is easy to replicate successfully and also because we all watch this typeof movie and are interested in this genre. We appointed each member of our team a role within our first draft of our teaser trailer so that each person would be taking part equally. Our story was based upon a serial killer stalking a teacher at school, and spying on her until finally chasing her in an attempt to murder her. I felt that the filming was satisfactory, but clearly there are areas which need to be improved upon and some parts need to be edited out. To improve on our teaser trailer we would need to organise each scene step by step by including aspects of mis en scene, camera shots and angles and think each area through.

First Draft from Annie Byrne on Vimeo.

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